Clarence Thomas Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth

What is Clarence Thomas' net worth and salary?

Clarence Thomas is an American Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Clarence Thomas has a net worth of $1 million according to his most recent financial disclosure. According to Clarence's latest financial report, his minimum net worth is $600,000 and his maximum net worth is $1 million. His annual salary as a Supreme Court justice is $220,000.

He was nominated to the Supreme Court by George H. W. Bush to replace Thurgood Marshall. He was confirmed in October 1991 after a contentious and controversial confirmation hearing. He is the second African American to serve on the Supreme Court, the first being his predecessor, Thurgood Marshall. Clarence is currently the longest-serving member of the Supreme Court.

Book Advance

In 2007 Clarence received a $1.5 million advance for what became his memoir, "My Grandfather's Son," which would go on to be a best seller.

Early Life

Clarence Thomas was born in Pin Point, Georgia in June 1948. He briefly attended Conception Seminary College, reportedly leaving in the aftermath of Martin Luther King, Jr's assassination. Thomas later explained that he decided to leave after overhearing a fellow student remark "Good. I hope the son of a bitch is dead.", just one day after the murder. This experience caused Clarence to realize that the Catholic church wasn't doing enough to combat racism among its ranks of future priests.

He subsequently transferred to the College of the Holy Cross, starting as a sophomore. He co-founded the school's Black Student Union. He majored in English literature, graduating in 1971 cum laude.

During college, Thomas was prime age for being drafted into the Army to serve in Vietnam. He was able to put the draft off through a series of deferments but upon graduating he was 1-A, a designation for men who were extremely likely to be drafted. He was called in for a medical exam, which he failed due to curvature of the spine. The medical failure made him ineligible to be drafted.

Next, Clarence enrolled in Yale Law School where he graduated middle of his class in 1974 with his Juris Doctor degree.


Clarence moved to Missouri to practice law after graduating. After passing the bar he was hired as an Assistant Attorney General of Missouri, working under state AG John Danforth. He worked in this position from 1974 to 1977, at which point he was hired to be an attorney for the Monsanto Chemical Company.

In 1979 Clarence moved to Washington D. C. to again work for John Danforth who by then had been elected to the US Senate.

From 1979 to 1981 Clarence worked as a legislative assistant focused mainly on energy issues for the Senate Commerce Committee.

From 1981 to 1982 Clarence served as the Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office for Civil Rights. Thomas served as Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from May 1982 to March 1990.

In October 1989 he was nominated by George H. W. Bush to be a Federal judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Supreme Court

George H. W. Bush considered Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court when looking to replace Justice William Brennan in 1990, but ultimately went with David Souter. A year later when Justice Thurgood Marshall stepped down, Bush put forth Clarence as his nominee.

Clarence's confirmation hearings would soon turn into one of the most contentious and controversial events of the 1990s. Allegations of sexual harassment by Thomas leaked and became headline news. The allegations came from a woman named Anita Hill. Hill worked for Thomas while they were both at the US Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Anita did not come out publicly with the allegations at first. The allegations came to light after an FBI interview with Anita was leaked. When the allegations came to light, Hill was called to testify.

In televised hearings that took place in October 1991, Anita claimed that Thomas sexually harassed her while he was her supervisor at two different government jobs. She claimed he repeatedly asked her out and frequently made sexually-charged and explicit comments to her. Thomas allegedly bragged about "his own sexual prowess" while describing the details of his anatomy.

Clarence Thomas was officially confirmed as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States on October 15, 1991.

Clarence Thomas Net Worth


Personal Life

Thomas was married to his college girlfriend Kathy Grace Ambush from 1971 to 1984. They had one child together.

In 1987 Thomas married Republican lobbyist Virginia Lamp. Virginia, who goes by Ginni.

Ginni Thomas and Other Controversies

Ginni Thomas' lobbying career has been a source of controversy for Clarence at various times over the years. In 2000, she was working for the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, helping the George W. Bush campaign in collecting resumes for Presidential appointments. This was going on while the Supreme Court was deciding Bush v. Gore, the case that ultimately gave Bush the election. Many people considered this a gross conflict of interest for both Clarence and Ginni.

In 2008 Justices Thomas and Antonin Scalia attended a political retreat put on by the billionaire Koch brothers. Two years later both Justices ruled in favor of Citizens United – the landmark Supreme Court decision that reversed a 100+ year old restriction against corporations spending unlimited money on elections. The legal reversal was championed by wealthy conservatives, like the Kochs, because it gave them the power to use their limitless funds to morph into some of the most feared political donors in America.

In 2009 Ginni founded a nonprofit lobbying group called Liberty Central, whose stated mission was to organize conservative activists, specifically to oppose what it called the "leftist tyranny" of President Barack Obama. The group was primarily focused on opposing President Obama's health care plan, which was almost certainly bound to end up before her husband at the Supreme Court, again creating a massive and obvious potential conflict of interest.

A man named Harlan Crowe once donated $500,000 to Liberty Central. Crowe later reportedly paid several million dollars to restore a Georgia cannery where Thomas' mother once worked, reportedly at Thomas' request.

In 2011 Ginni founded a for-profit consulting company called Liberty Consulting, to advise donors in the post-Citizens United landscape. The irony here being that Citizens United allowed Ginni to accept corporate donations to steer policies that would be heard by her husband at the Supreme Court.

In 2011 Clarence came under fire for failing to disclosure income and employment history for Ginni. At the time he claimed his wife's employment and income was "inadvertently omitted due to a misunderstanding of the filing instructions." To rectify the mistake, Thomas released seven pages of amended disclosures including 13 years of income re-statements that included the time when Ginni was employed by the Heritage foundation. These disclosures showed that between 2003 and 2007, Ginni earned $686,589 from the Heritage Foundation.

Ginni Thomas frequently posts fringe conspiracy theories to her personal Facebook page, reportedly including some from an anti-vax Facebook group that claimed Bill Gates orchestrated COVID-19.

Ginni reportedly requested that the mayor of Clifton, Virginia remove a banner from the town that read "Welcome to Clifton, Where Black Lives Matter".

MAGA/Trump Riots

On January 6, 2021, a group of Trump supporters violently attacked and looted the United States Capital. Just ahead of the riots, Ginni called on Congress to overturn the results of the election. On the morning of the riots (before the violence broke out), Ginni expressed her love and support for the rioters on her Facebook page, declaring "GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU STANDING UP or PRAYING!".

While conducting the riot, Trump supporters carried zip-tie handcuffs, planted IED devices, destroyed property, stole state secrets and murdered a cop.

Ginni routinely shares deranged conspiracy theories on her personal Facebook page. Not long before the riots she posted "No one, and I mean no one, has done more to harm America than the Democrats." She as pushed a false conspiracy theory that George Soros is somehow in charge of the Democratic party and funding a campaign to harm the US government and Donald Trump.

Texts with Mark Meadows

In March of 2022 it was revealed that the Congressional committee investigating the January 6th insurrection had discovered text messages allegedly sent from Ginni Thomas to then-President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows. In total, Ginni and Mark apparently traded 29 texts messages between early November and and mid-January 2021. As Vanity Fair reported, the exchanges might be best described as "manic, conspiracy-riddled text messages."

On November 5, 2021 Ginni sent Mark the following message:

"Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition."

Five days later she texted:

"Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America's constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History."

Two weeks later she texted again, urging Meadows to not…

"cave to the elites… I can't see Americans swallowing the obvious fraud."


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